Learning languages through conversation 馃挰
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Connected through language
Whether you want to improve your speaking skills, expand your vocabulary or simply make new friends, you'll find what you're looking for at Sprachtandem.ch.
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Hallo ich bin Andreas und suche auf diesem Weg eine Person, die mit mir mein Franz枚sisch aufbessern w眉rde. Im Gegenzug gerne Deutsch und Schweizerdeutsch.
Gr眉ezi. Meine Muttersprache ist Franz枚sisch und ich wohne in Lausanne. Ich suche nach einem Partner um Deutsch zu sprechen. Online oder in-person ist egal. Merci vielmals!
What is a language tandem?
A language tandem is when two people with different mother tongues come together to teach the other person their own mother tongue.
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Make the Most of Your Practice Session
Get the most out of your language exchange session with these tips for effective conversation practice.
The best methods for learning a new language
Set clear goals, don't be afraid to make mistakes and speak actively - that's how you master a new language.
These are the languages spoken in Switzerland
With four official national languages, countless dialects and a large number of non-national languages, Switzerland is a veritable melting pot of languages.