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Welcome to the largest language community in Switzerland. Network with language partners from all over the world.

Learning languages through conversation šŸ’¬

Over 70 languages

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Connected through language

Whether you want to improve your speaking skills, expand your vocabulary or simply make new friends, you'll find what you're looking for at Sprachtandem.ch.

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  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • CH-8408
  • Female
  • 22
  • ā˜•ļø In-Person

Hi, I study language and integration (Sprachliche Integration) at ZHAW in Winterthur. As part of a course, Iā€˜m looking for a tandem partner who wants to practice their German with me and can teach me some Mandarin (A1). Ideally, we would meet up at least six times until mid-June.


  • German
  • šŸ’» Online

Ich suche einen Sprachpartnerin, um mein Deutsch (A1/A2) zu verbessern, besonders im Sprechen. Im Gegenzug helfe ich dir gerne mit TĆ¼rkisch. Schreib mir, wenn du Interesse hast! šŸ˜Š


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What is a language tandem?

A language tandem is when two people with different mother tongues come together to teach the other person their own mother tongue.

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